Read the following article on Identity Theft (ID THEFT)
Questions to address:
1. What happens when someone steals an identity? What do they use it for? Use examples from the article.
2. How does someone steal an identity? What is a phishing scheme?
3. How can you protect yourself from identity theft? Give two examples from the article
two examples of protecting yourslef from identity theft are:
1-be aware when you are working with your pers0nal information in public.
2-monitor your information so u could keep record of it and if something wrong happens everything is on order.
Identity theft ,should have some type of jail sentence or punishment to it. Its wrong for anyone to take someones information and make it public.
people should be more carefull of where and to who the submit provate information.
Identity theft is when someone steals your identity. They have your information and can buy things under your name. If this ever happens to anyone call me so i can laugh and help you.
How can you prevent identity theft?
do not give out social seruity number.
Thank you
love you computer class
Wow i never knew how easily an identity can be stolen.How people can hack into your stuff and get away with it. Thats why its always g0od to check your records.
you can protect yourself from identity theft by calling your credit card company once you lose your credit card. another way is by calling the fbi
I think that its wrong fro people to steal other people's identities but I think its a bit stupid that people are easily falling into these traps and willingly give away their personal information.
identity theft is a crime and the people that commits those crimes should be punished. The people should take care of their personal when they are posting their private info on computer because many bad people use phishing scheme to steal their information.
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