Read the following article: "Providing a Safety Net for the Web"
Do you believe that the internet should have more government regulations on it? Is there anything that can be done about new issues such as cyber bullying and maintaining peoples privacy on the web?
i think the government should not put their hads on the internet because they may go into peoples privacy. the internet is a free space to do whatever u want, but anything thats legal though.
No, there shouldnt be . Its free open forum. It should stay that way.
By:Edwin Duran
I desagree with the government. people just have to be more Cautious of wat ads they click and what info they post on web sites.
tarchae campbell
i dont think that that the government should interfere because they interfere with everything else. i think that everyone should be free to do whatever they want to do on the inernet wether its good or bad. people think that its just the lower class people who break rules or do illegal things but i think the government does it more!
yes i do believe that government should do something, but sometimes the methhods that they use to solve problem go to far.
i definately don't think they should do that people shoulden't be restricted when using the internet
I beleive the government should put there hands on the internet because its goodddddddddd.yEAA. we all If people arent going to do bad on the internet then why should we people be scared.If people want privacy they should do to a private room.
The internet should NOT be regulated.
First of all, the internet should not be owned, it's called the World Wide Web which means it connects users from all around the world to the internet.
If the government regulated the internet as well, our privacy would probably be invaded as they could "snoop" on us for any information they deemed necessary to find. Our computers are our personal privacy, just like we get upset when "hackers" get information from our computer why should we feel any different if the government has access to our private files.
If Children are accessing sites they shouldn't be going on, then you need to look to the parents. It's the parents responsibility to watch their children. Software solutions do exist for people who want to monitor the sites their children are accessing, and even block them if they wanted to. These softwares should be installed, by people who want them on their computers, rather then regulating the internet in which many people will disagree with.
i think the government should mind thier business. people are responsible for their own actions and on what they post on the internet. and i totally agree with tarchae and rail
Ithink that everyone should be computer literate today if they want to fit into society because in a few years everything might be automated and someone who doesn't know how to use computers might be having problems.
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